Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 74 - Mile 1005.4 to 1016.42 - Mel

June 27

I slept in to almost 7:30 this morning.  I felt guilty, but I am in no hurry.  I have until tomorrow around 4pm to get the 11 miles to Hwy 108.  I considered staying at Kennedy Canyon one more day to rest, but I don't know what the next pass is going to be like.  I'm at 8900 feet and the highest point is 10,800 feet.

So I slowly packed up and headed out.  My back is a little better, but not good.  Today's hike was on treeless mountain.  Lots of shale, but not big rocks to navigate around.  Gradual switchbacks which I was very happy about.  It's hard to believe that something so barren can be so beautiful. 

I did hit patches of snow, but the trail was always visible on the other side.  I had no Liz to send out first!  There were only two patches that made me nervous because they were on steep mountainside.  One slip and I would have been sliding down.  I stopped for a snack at the Emigrant Wilderness border (also the highest point today).  Zoolander was there (haven't seen him since the Mojave).  When I started eating I heard thunder to the east.  Then I saw the lightening.  Time to start moving.

Camped about a half mile from 108.  It's weird, but I felt more nervous camping this close to civilization than I did out in the middle of nowhere. 

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