Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 73 - Mile 999 to 1005.4 - Mel

June 26

Made 1000 miles today!  Can't  believe it.

The head net and mosquito wipes are now just part of the daily routine.  Can't wait to get away from these mosquitoes.

I didn't sleep well last night.  Don't know if it was the two cups of coffee I had once I got to camp, not being able to get comfortable because of my back or the excitement of seeing Greg in a few days.

Hiking today was fairly level.  Had a log creek crossing this morning.  I couldn't get myself across it either.  It was shorter than the last one I went across, but higher up.  I was just ready to take off my boots and wade, when I saw another log that was much more manageable, at least for me. I could use my poles.  If these poles survive the trip I am having them bronzed.  They have saved my butt on many occasions.

I only went 7 miles today and took it slow.  Ate lunch by a stream, which I could cross on a bridge, with some other hikers.  It's always nice to have someone to talk to.  Camped at Kennedy Canyon next to the last reliable water source until right before Hwy 108.  I arrived at 2:30pm.  Had the afternoon to set up camp, study the data book and journal. 

I was just getting ready to climb into my tent at 6:30pm (you can only sit in the dirt for so many hours) when Double Time and Half Time showed up.  This is the first night since I left Tuolumne that I have not been camping on my own.  It was so nice to have company.  Oso showed up a little later.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Melinda for this amazing milestone!!!! created a great pun ;)
