Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 93 - Chico

July 16

I had a lot of time to think and soul search the last few days and have decided that Belden is going to be my jumping off point. 

Missing Greg and Bodie is a given, but my body was telling me it was tired, sore and needs a rest. Plus I was getting very lonely. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the solitude. I was just getting a little too much of it. 

It's funny, in the mornings, even with a sore back, I would think maybe I could make it to the halfway point or maybe even the Oregon border. By noon I would realize that those thoughts were not realistic. 

I would have really liked to have talked to Greg to let him know my plans. With no cell service that just wasn't going to happen. I could have sent him a text message on the tracker, but knowing Greg the text messages would have been coming fast and furious and I needed to conserve battery just in case I needed the SOS. So Diane and Jennifer were the first to find out my plans.  Couldn't help but to tear up when I told them. I still plan on getting to Canada, it's just going to be in sections now. In fact, while hiking I kept trying to figure out what section(s) I could do before summer ends. 

Along with the back problems my right foot had been hurting a bit the last few days. I just thought my boots were too tight and would loosen them up. I noticed last night though while I was talking to Greg that my foot is pretty swollen. Even if I would continue on I think I would need another week off the get the body back in shape. 
Tonight I pulled everything out of my pack so Diane and Jennifer could see what I was carrying (and to finally get my dirty clothes out to wash). While putting it back together I realized stopping is going to be very hard. As much as I look forward to going home and being with my family I really just want to throw the pack back on and start hiking down the trail again. It's been my life for the last three months. A very important and rewarding part of my life. 

This has been an amazing journey. I've learned a lot about myself. What I am capable of, and not capable of. I've seen parts of this state that not many people have seen. Beauty beyond words. The barren mountains and deserts of Southern California. The drastic contours of the High Sierras. The silence. Mostly though I have seen a side of people (thru hikers, trail angels, complete strangers) that is even more beautiful than the landscapes. That has had the biggest impact on me. 

Thank you to all my family and friends, and Liz's family and friends, for the support you have given us along the way. And thank you Liz for getting me to go on this crazy adventure.  

Keep an eye on this blog. Who knows when there might be notes from the trail again. 

I don't think of the PCT as a obsession, but as a calling to experience and enjoy the simple pleasure of just being. 

Day 92 - Mile 1275.2 to 1284.3 - Mel

July 15

I'm going to Belden today!! I'm going to see Diane and Jennifer (sister and niece), eat some real food, go to Chico, get a shower and sleep in a real bed. Can you tell I'm excited?

Only nine miles to go, but I went from just under 6200' to 2300' in that nine miles. Even when nothing hurts and I haven't already walked 1200 miles downhill is hard on me. Fortunately the trail was nice, not rocky, and a lot of switchbacks. 

It was hot today too. The first part of hike was in the sun, but soon I was under the cover of trees. 

I made it to Belden around 12:30. Greg had sent a message that Jennifer and Diane wouldn't be getting there until 2:30. This gave me time to eat. I had a chicken sandwich with bacon, pepper jack cheese and ranch dressing on grilled sourdough. Washed that down with a couple of Sierra Nevadas. Life is good. 

Soon after I finished my lunch my ride showed up. I was so excited to see the two of them. Jennifer is now an official trail angel as she also gave two girls from London a ride into Chico and the nearest sporting goods store. 

Day 91 - Mile 1258.2 to 1275.2

July 14

We were camped near some dirt roads and a car went by some time during the night. That just freaks me out. I feel much better out in the middle of nowhere. 

Said goodbye to the G's, took my Ibuprofen and headed out.  

Lightened up my pack just a little last night when Twotone came into camp and said she was running low on food.  I gave her some of my snacks. 

I decided to take a coffee break today. Snack time was at a small stream so that I didn't have to carry the water to make a cup. It was a very pleasant stop. 

I did have to take more Ibuprofen soon after that. I feel like I'm eating the stuff like candy. It really helps with the hiking.  I can get in the miles in that I want, but when it wears off.......

I had wanted to camp about six miles from Belden because it's a big descent and I don't know what the trail is like. I ended up camping at Clear Creek though.  That way I didn't have to carry the extra water for dinner and breakfast, and fill up my Gatorade bottle for tomorrow's hike. The campsite I had been aiming for was another 2.5 miles away and waterless. With the extra weight I probably wouldn't have gotten there until 7:30 and I didn't think I'd feel like setting up camp and fixing dinner. 

Day 90 - Mile 1240.4 to 1258.2 - Mel

July 13

Hobbling more this morning. As usual slow getting going. 

It was down hill to the Middle Fork of the Feather River. There was a bridge over the river so I didn't have to worry about how I was goin to get across. 

I stopped on the north side of the bridge for a snack, but was too tired (and lazy-let's be honest) to walk down to the river to get water. I had enough to get to the next creek and my dirty socks could wait until then to get rinsed out. 

The uphill started here. The first three miles to Bear Creek weren't bad. I did stop here for water and lunch. Got my socks rinsed and soaked my feet. Also washed a layer of dirt off my legs. They'll be filthy again by the time I stop for the day. The rock that I sat down on to do all this had a water snake on it. I felt kind of bad that I took his spot. 

It was nice to get a little rest since the next seven miles were climbing. It wasn't a steep climb but it was steady and tiring. 

Once again I had a stopping place in mind and when I got there He G and She G (one of the Canadian couples was there). I was glad to camp with them since they will be getting off tomorrow to go to Quincy to rest and resupply. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 89 - Mile 1221.4 to 1240.4

July 12

Slow getting out of camp today. What's new? My back is pretty sore though. Not quite as bad as when I was a couple days out of Tuolumne, but Ibuprofen is definitely my friend. 

It was overcast most of the day which makes for very comfortable hiking. My phone and tracker batteries are getting low and I really need to get them charged though. 

Pretty uneventful hiking. Mostly forest, some of it alive and some of it dead. 

My body is really begining to feel the miles. I'm also feeling tired. I was looking for the campsite where I ended up tonight. I was so afraid that someone would already be there and I would have to go on. I figured I'd just cry until they felt sorry for me. 

There were people already there, but it was my new Canadian friends. They made room for me. My tent was practically set up on one of theirs. I have been enjoying having company at night. 

Day 88 - Mile 1206.2 to 1221.4

July 11

I had the perfect spot for watching the sunrise this morning. I was on a ridge looking east. It was the sun on my tent that woke me up. I missed the sunrise but probably needed the sleep. 

My pack is too heavy. I should have left more food in Sierra City. But I also know I need to be getting more calories. It's so hard to figure out what is enough and what is too much. Even after three months. 

There were lots of beautiful lakes today. I think I stopped and took pictures of all of them. 

I found the perfect lunch spot. After I ate, I stretched out on a fallen tree with my head on my tent and feet on my backpack. Even fell asleep. It was wonderful. 

I was feeling a little lonely today. A few hikers passed me early in the day, but I was mostly on my own. The trail was nice and there were a lot of beautiful views. 

I didn't go as far as I had wanted to today when I came upon some campsites near water. There were no campsites listed at the next water sources. I decided to play it safe and stop for the night. Two Canadian couples that I had met at the trailhead at Sierra City were camped on the other side of the trail. 

Shortly after I got set up Colo and Highwater joined me. Both Highwater and I thought we had met before, but had no clue where. Before I went to bed I realized that he was the guy who pulled Liz and I over the snow bank at the top of Forester Pass. 

My lower back is starting to bother me on the right side.  Same pain as I felt on the left side after Donahue Pass. I think it was the weight of my pack and the rocks I had to walk on out of Sierra City (I was favoring my left side on the rocks even though my back had not been hurting for a couple of days) that caused the new backache. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Onward to Belden - Greg

Melinda is pressing ahead, with continued good mileage since her last update, doing 15, 19 and 18 miles on Saturday, Sunday and Monday respectively. She is now just south of Bucks Lake on her way to Belden. She will be picked up in Belden by her niece Jennifer and sister Diane (Thanks!) who live in Chico, about an hour's drive away. She will take at least one Zero day with them in Chico before returning to the trail.

I think she hopes to make it to Belden sometime tomorrow (Wednesday).

There has been no cell coverage over the last 3 days, so information is minimal. It looks like the weather has been good and she's had company at her campsite most nights.

Last week, she couldn't charge her phone or tracking device because there was no sun for the solar charger.

This week, she is having trouble with the connection between the charging cable and the tracking device. It has been getting continuous use for 3 months now, and the connector may just be wearing out. Hopefully it can be fixed with a new cable. At any rate, until it's sorted out she may turn off tracking to conserve the battery for emergency use. If she does, that means no blue dots... I hate it when that happens. :-( I worry about her more than I should even when I can see her progress. When the dots disappear I'm basically a basket case. :-)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 87 - Mile 1195.4 to 1206.2 - Mel

July 10

Still woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Made coffee, watched the news and replanned resupplies. 

Had breakfast at the lodge and then packed up and headed to the Post Office to pick up my really heavy box. I should be able to get to Belden in five days, but it feels like I packed for ten. I do need to eat more....

The weather was not looking promising and some reports said there was a 50% chance of thunderstorms and showers. I decided to head on out though. Mainly because Herringtons was booked for tonight. 

It was a big climb today from 4500' to 7400'. Started out switchbacks in the trees and then went to a gradual climb up a rocky, treeless mountainside. I'm glad it was cloudy today.  

I didn't start on the trail until 1pm and only went a little over ten miles. I'm not alone tonight and I'm glad. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 86 - Mile 1179.3 to 1195.2 - Mel

July 9

Got all zipped and cinched into my sleeping bag last night when the rain started. Couldn't get myself out to close the tent "door."  I've been leaving it open to help with my condensation issues. One of the problems of having a single walled tent. 

It was beautiful this morning and I was the last out of camp today. I figured that I couldn't make it to the Sierra City Post Office by their 2pm closing, so why rush. 

The rain didn't start until about noon. Once again it stopped as soon as I got my rain gear on. Including my very fashionable skirt. 

As walked through a lush forest in the drizzle, listening to the thunder overhead and eating a Snickers Bar I realized that life was very good. I like hiking with the thunder. It keeps me company. I don't like the lightning though. 

The rain got heavier as I neared highway 49. By the time I got into Sierra City, a mile and a half walk from the PCT, I was soaked. I got a burger at the General Store and the last room at the Herrington Motel. Another quarter mile down the road. I'm clean and dry tonight!

Mile 85 - Mile 1160.7 to 1179.3 - Mel

July 8

"Rain" and "hail" are two more four letter words. 

Woke up at my usual 6am, rolled over and the next thing I knew it was 6:30. It was the train whistle that woke me up. 

There was some sun and some clouds this morning. The hike was easy as the climbs are more gradual and not as high. Washed my socks at the first stream I came across. Turns out that was a mistake. 

As it neared noon the sky completely clouded over. Even a few claps of thunder.  

At noon I stopped at a spring to eat lunch and have a cup of coffee. As soon as I took my pack off I felt a few drops of rain. They didn't last and so I ate. As I started to drink my coffee it started raining. I got my rain jacket and pack cover on. Wasn't going to throw out my coffe so I drank it as I walked. It soon was hailing.

The hail only lasted 10 to 15 minutes, but the thunder was continuous. When it started to rain again I decided to try on my Tyvec skirt (I was too cheap to buy rain pants so I made a skirt out of Tyvec pants). As I was leaning on a tree and  trying to get one leg into my skirt I saw a flash of lightning that was followed immediately with thunder. Scared the you know what out if me!

I just kept walking quickly. Mainly to keep warm. After awhile I caught up with Pink Lady whom I had been leap frogging all day. We were both cold, wet and in search of a campsite. Finally found one next  to Mule Ear Creek. The sun even came out while we set up our tents. Foster and Morher joined our camp. It was nice not to camp alone. 

Oh, the Tyvec skirt worked. My shorts stayed dry and my upper legs warm. Also, the mistake in washing my socks earlier is that I now had two pair of wet socks and two pair of wet liners. 

Day 84 - Mile 1140.7 to 1160.7 - Mel

July 7

An even later start this morning. I blame it on checking in with Greg since I had service. He texted the tracker last night saying he showed I went a 1/2 mile off trail and he hadn't received any messages at 8:30 last night. Way past my usual stopping time. 

My encouraging husband told me that I would be mostly ridge walking today.   What he didn't know was the drop into a canyon before climbing to 8900 feet at Tinkers Knob before my ridge walk. The start of the climb was steep and I felt like I was on a stair master for about 50 yards. 

Ok, so I was a little below Tinkers Knob, but I did get over 8700 feet. 

The ridge led me to Sugar Bowl. A lot of walking through rock slides. Not slides that have covered the trail, but places where the trail has been built through an area where the hillside is nothing but broken granite. I have to go very slow through these areas since I slip, twist and trip easily. 

I caught up with the group I had camped with and had lunch with them. They made me feel like one of the gang.  Two of the men were involved with troop 330 in San Jose. One had been scout master and the other assistant scout master. 

It started to rain as I got closer to Sugar Bowl. All I had to do was put my rain gear to make it stop. It did start up again as I got close to highway 40. 

I stopped at the highway 80 rest stop for dinner. There were picnic tables, water, garbage cans and flush toilets. A virtual paradise!

Made it another three miles to Peter Grub Hut. I ended up setting up my tent. I have been enjoying sleeping outside in my tent and besides I felt old compared to the group that was already there. 

"You love the thunder"... maybe... - Greg

"You love the thunder and you love the rain
What you see revealed within the anger is worth the pain"
    - Jackson Browne

I got a call from Melinda at about 3:00 yesterday (Wednesday July 8) afternoon. She was walking the ridgline north of Fordyce Lake. I'm that shocked she had cell coverage, she really was in the middle of nowhere.

She had just weathered a very nasty squall, dropping a torrent of 1/4 inch to dime sized hail. The wind was blowing hard. She hadn't seen any lightning until just before she called but the thunder was nearly continuous. She said she was doing fine, but she was cold and I'm sure quite tired. If it was me, I would have been at least a little scared too but Melinda has a quiet confidence that I'm pretty sure I don't.

Jackson Browne was writing about relationships in the bit quoted above, but the same sentiment could apply more literally to the thru-hikers relationship with Mother Nature. I won't presume to know whether Melinda thinks what she saw yesterday was "worth the pain". But she certainly got a show. It seems that just when you begin to think you're on a pleasant walk in the woods, nature puts on a display to remind you who is boss in these wild places. These shows are often both awe-inspiring and frightening.

All those of us at home can do is watch the blue dots, chew our nails and say a prayer. I did plenty of all yesterday. I was quite relieved to get a text this morning and see the blue dots marching on.

In spite of the challenges she knocked out over 18 miles yesterday and over 20 the day before and another 20 the day before that.

There are more thunderstorms forecast for today, but not as intense as yesterday. She is almost certain to make the 16 miles to Highway 49 and Sierra City where a resupply box is waiting. I expect she will get a motel room for the night to dry out and charge up as she's likely to arrive after the 2:00 closing time at the post office.

Click here for an awesome first-hand account from the trail yesterday, about 200 miles north of where Melinda was.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 83 - Mile 1120.4 to 1140.7

July 6

I need Liz to get me moving in the morning! One of the many reasons I need her. I get up at the same time, but don't get on the trail too quickly. 

Beautiful day today. I made it to Barker Pass in pretty good time. Stopped there for a snack and ended up staying longer than I planned. There were picnic tables, cell service, a pit toilet and people to talk to. 

Great views of Lake Tahoe when I got further up the trail. Had lunch at the Granite Chief Wilderness boundary after climbing up many switchbacks. 

Hiked he backside of Alpine Ski area. It was the backside of the backside and it took forever. Or so it seemed. 

Lots of wild flowers today and there scent was strong. A very sweet scent with something pungent mixed in. I love the smell of dirt and pine needles, but this was a very pleasant change. 

The clouds starting moving in this evening. I had watched them over the lake most of the afternoon. I really wanted  to make it to a campsite in Squaw Valley and the weather held up for me. In fact no rain at all.

I made 20 miles today! Yay!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 82 - Mile 1103.24 to 1120.4 - Mel

July 5

Woke up last night to what I thought was the sound of thunder. When it didn't stop I realized it must be the fireworks on Tahoe. 

It was slow going up Dick's Pass. One because I had cell service and tried to post to the blog. Then I figured I should check in at home after my stormy day yesterday. I also had to stop for all the magnificent views, the beautiful wildflowers, butterflies and birds. 

I had lunch at Middle Velma Lake. It gave me chance to dry out my tent. It didn't rain last night but I had a lot of condensation. 

Most of the afternoon was spent hiking through forest. I had one deer bound across the trail in front of me. 

Didn't see too many people today and started feeling kind of lonely. Then I remembered it was Sunday and realized God was walking with me. It made for a very peaceful hike. I actually took time to enjoy the beauty around me. 

Day 81 - Mile 1092.72 to 1103.24 -Mel

July 4

I got back on the trail today at Echo Lake. Debbie and Dan drove me up. I was a little nervous about leaving because thunder showers were in the forecast, but they're expected for the next week. 

Took it slow today. My back is feeling much better, but it's not totally back to normal. 

Thunder most of the day and a little rain. No lightening though and for that I am thankful. 

I find Aloha Lake just beautiful and can not pass it by without taking a picture. It's all the granite that I love. 

I decided to camp near Gilmore Lake and tackle Dick's Pass tomorrow. I'm more afraid of the downhill than I am of the uphill. I'm not too far from the lake and can hear the people that are camped there!  Hopefully they won't be up all night. 

Back on the trail - Greg

Melinda is back on the trail after a nice break of almost a week.

She got a late start on Saturday 7/4 and managed a little less than 11 miles before stopping for the night just short of Dick's pass.

Yesterday she kicked in the afterburners and knocked out 17 miles in great weather.

The forecast is calling for scattered thunderstorms (A 20-50% chance)  for most of this week (Mon - Friday). I hope they hold off.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 79 - Still Zeroing - Mel

July 2

After three great days in Tahoe with Greg I'm still off the trail.  My back was still bothering me so I went to an Urgent Care in Reno.  The doctor thought it was muscle spasms.  She prescribed injection of anti-inflammatories, a prescription for some and a little rest.  Greg's sister lives in Pollock Pines (less than an hour away from Echo Summit and where I plan on rejoining the PCT) so I am hanging out with her and hope to be back hiking in the next day or two.

I'm hoping that next summer I can talk Bodie and/or Liz into hiking Sonora Pass to Echo Pass with me.

I didn't say this before but I am so proud of Liz knowing when it was time get off the trail to take care of herself.  It's not a decision you make lightly.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 75 - Mile 1016.42 to 1018.3

June 28

Definitely no hurry today.  I had enough water to dry camp, but there was a stream just a short walk away.  Got to have a second cup of coffee after breakfast.

It was still cloudy and a couple of times I thought it might rain.  Laid in the tent for awhile just in case.  Around noon I decided to head down to the highway.  Who knows, there might be some trail magic there.

It didn't take me long to get down.  There was just a small dirt parking space with a couple of cars and a small monument.  This is where I was going to be spending the next four hours.  I took my pack off and wandered up the hill to look around.  And then trail magic.  A man came up the hill and asked if I wanted a ride to Bridgeport.  Hadn't been part of my plan, but it sounded more appealing than what I had planned.  I got in touch with Greg and we arranged our meeting spot.

Turns out Cuddles has hiked the PCT twice.  He and his wife were on their way to Mammoth.  When he stopped he saw my pack by the road and figured it belonged to a PCT hiker.  Then he saw me and the way I was walking and knew I belonged to the pack.

I got dropped off at Burger Barn where I enjoyed a BBQ  Bacon Cheeseburger.

Afterwards I wandered down the street a little ways to hang out with other hikers.  Mahalo and I sat on a bench waiting for Greg to show up.  We took Mahalo as far as highways 50 and 28.  He was heading to South Shore and we were going north.  It was a long drive up 395 as there had been a bad accident earlier.

A shower and real bed tonight.  Ahhhhh!!!

Day 74 - Mile 1005.4 to 1016.42 - Mel

June 27

I slept in to almost 7:30 this morning.  I felt guilty, but I am in no hurry.  I have until tomorrow around 4pm to get the 11 miles to Hwy 108.  I considered staying at Kennedy Canyon one more day to rest, but I don't know what the next pass is going to be like.  I'm at 8900 feet and the highest point is 10,800 feet.

So I slowly packed up and headed out.  My back is a little better, but not good.  Today's hike was on treeless mountain.  Lots of shale, but not big rocks to navigate around.  Gradual switchbacks which I was very happy about.  It's hard to believe that something so barren can be so beautiful. 

I did hit patches of snow, but the trail was always visible on the other side.  I had no Liz to send out first!  There were only two patches that made me nervous because they were on steep mountainside.  One slip and I would have been sliding down.  I stopped for a snack at the Emigrant Wilderness border (also the highest point today).  Zoolander was there (haven't seen him since the Mojave).  When I started eating I heard thunder to the east.  Then I saw the lightening.  Time to start moving.

Camped about a half mile from 108.  It's weird, but I felt more nervous camping this close to civilization than I did out in the middle of nowhere. 

Day 73 - Mile 999 to 1005.4 - Mel

June 26

Made 1000 miles today!  Can't  believe it.

The head net and mosquito wipes are now just part of the daily routine.  Can't wait to get away from these mosquitoes.

I didn't sleep well last night.  Don't know if it was the two cups of coffee I had once I got to camp, not being able to get comfortable because of my back or the excitement of seeing Greg in a few days.

Hiking today was fairly level.  Had a log creek crossing this morning.  I couldn't get myself across it either.  It was shorter than the last one I went across, but higher up.  I was just ready to take off my boots and wade, when I saw another log that was much more manageable, at least for me. I could use my poles.  If these poles survive the trip I am having them bronzed.  They have saved my butt on many occasions.

I only went 7 miles today and took it slow.  Ate lunch by a stream, which I could cross on a bridge, with some other hikers.  It's always nice to have someone to talk to.  Camped at Kennedy Canyon next to the last reliable water source until right before Hwy 108.  I arrived at 2:30pm.  Had the afternoon to set up camp, study the data book and journal. 

I was just getting ready to climb into my tent at 6:30pm (you can only sit in the dirt for so many hours) when Double Time and Half Time showed up.  This is the first night since I left Tuolumne that I have not been camping on my own.  It was so nice to have company.  Oso showed up a little later.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 72 - Mile 990 to 999 - Mel

June  25

Lots of mosquitoes this morning.  My back was really hurting, so it took me long time to get camp broken down. 

Greg sent a text with a change a plans.  He needs to pick me up on Sunday afternoon/evening either at Sonora or Ebbetts Pass.  This was a blessing since I wont be moving too fast.  I'll have him pick me up at Sonora and then I can do some short days, maybe even take a zero.

Luckily most of the hiking was flat.  Next to a stream for quite a while and also through a beautiful meadow.  Saw At Home while going through the meadow.

I was thinking of stopping at Dorothy Lake for the night, but met some ladies that suggested that I go to Harriet Lake instead.  It's not much further.  I did stop at Dorothy for lunch and also jumped in the lake.  Clothes and all.  Not out of modesty, but to get at least some dirt off of them.

Didn't see that campsites at Harriett and ended up close to the outlet from the lake.  I quit hiking around 3:30pm.  It was very nice to get my tent set up, rinse out some clothes, make a cup of coffee and write in my journal.

Day 71 - Mile 975.33 to 990 - Mel

June 24

The mosquitoes didn't go to bed last night.  I ended up having to put my head net on for half the night.  Other than that I slept as good as I do while camping.

Started out with a steep descent. Followed by more climbing.  Then down again.  It was tough terrain.  Very steep and rocky.  I lost track of how may ups and downs I did.  All I know is that it was at least 1000 feet at t time. I'm taking extra Ibuprofen today.  My back is not happy.  I'm supposed to be meeting Greg at Echo Lake next week for our anniversary, I'm just not sure when I'll get there.

Got passed by Skooter, Wallaby, Minty Fresh and Deep South.  It was great to see people I knew.  Skooter had heard a rumor that the trail was closed after Sonora Pass do to a fire.  I used the In Reach to get in touch with Greg to get details.  The trail was not closed, but smoky.

I quit hiking today next today at 6:30pm next to a stream.  Chose the spot because it was pretty.  Plus I didn't feel like I could go any further. 

Set the tent up tonight.  I also had the opportunity to rinse my socks out.  It's the little things that make me happy.

The mosquitoes are out in full force.

Day 70 - Mile 960.02 to 975.33 - Mel

June 23

I actually slept okay last night considering I was alone.  I figured I'd lay awake listening to every noise.

Had to climb Benson Pass today.  Only 10,140 feet.  Argh!  Both the uphill and downhill were hard on my back.  Ibuprofen is my friend.  As usual the views were lovely.

Did see some PCT'ers.  Of course they passed me.  I kept leap frogging a couple that are doing a section of the PCT with their daughter.  I enjoyed the company.

I did not stop at Benson Lake, but it looked beautiful.  Shortly after I passed the trail junction for the lake I had a stream to cross that was wide, and deep on the opposite side.  My only option to cross was a long log.  I really don't like crossing logs, especially alone.  Somehow I did it.  After that it was a 1000 foot plus climb.  Wasn't sure how far up I was going to make it, but I couldn't stop until I found a campsite.  Finally found one near a small lake at the top.  Cowboy camping again..

Day 69 - Mile 941.6 to 960.02 - Mel

June 22

I left Tuolumne Meadows this morning around 10:30am.  Hiking alone was different.  Don't know how many times I wanted to comment to Liz about something. I think because of my odd departure time I did not see any PCT hikers today. I passed some people going to Glen Aulin and some southbound hikers, so I had some people to talk to.  Fortunately I have enough Dodge blood in me to appreciate the solitude.

Hiking was pretty easy.  Most of the trail was level.  My back felt a little better after a day and a half off.  I stopped at Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp to eat my lunch.  Started climbing a little after that.

Finally found a place to camp around 7:30pm.  Decided to try cowboy camping my first night.  I don't think I could have gotten my tent stakes into the ground if I wanted to, plus I didn't have the energy.  

I actually got in 18 miles which I wasn't expecting.

6/30/15 Liz update

It's nice to be home but I'm anxious to get back on trail. I know I need to have a higher calorie, carb, fat diet and I'm working on that. Losing 19 lbs was not what I wanted, or needed. I've already got three young men willing to go, including my son. I know I'll be in good hands considering they're all Eagle Scouts. We'll start with weekends and see how many miles of the PCT we can do. 
I saw my podiatrist yesterday, I felt he should see what hiking 942 miles can do to feet. I'm still having constant nerve pain and my right foot has been painful for 3 weeks so he ordered a X-ray. Found out I have a stress fracture, go figure, so we can't hit the trail for at least a month. I can't believe how much my poor feet have suffered, and I thought it would be my knee that would be the problem. 
See you on the trail. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 67 to 68 - Mile 932.01 to 941.6 - Mel

June 20 - 21

Liz and I woke up this morning thinking it was time to pull off the trails.  Our bodies were feeling the last 900 plus miles and our families would be there to take us home. 

It was a very pretty and level (my back appreciated this) walk through Lyle Valley to Tuolumne Meadows.  We made a short stop and who should come up behind us but Snow White and Wallstreet.  I was so excited to see them.  Of course they flew by us.

Greg and Bodie picked us up at the store and drove us down to Lee Vining where Liz's brother Billy had a spot at the RV park.  We ate very well that night.  Thanks Billy,

Billy had a spot at Tuolumne Meadows the next day, so after breakfast in town we headed back up the hill.

Greg had questioned whether I was ready to leave the trail.  I have never backpacked or camped alone before and the thought of going off into the wilderness alone scared me.After much thought I decided to try to go on.  Couldn't have made that decision without the faith Greg and Bodie had in me. It was really hard to think about going on without Liz though.

Greg and Bodie had to head back to San Jose on Sunday and Liz's boys showed up.  I camped with them that night.  Dinner was tri-tip and homemade mac & cheese thanks to Billy.  He's trying to fatten us up!

Day 64 to 66 - Mile 877.8 to 932.07 - Mel

June 17-19

Up and packed by 7am so we could eat breakfast before leave.  I had the best biscuits and gravy.  Afterwards 7 of us loaded into a van that drove us down to the to the boats that would take us across what was left of the lake. The lake is down quite a bit.  We had about out a 1/4 mile walk on lake bed before getting to the trail to that took us up to the  PCT.

Today was Silver Pass, just under 11,000 feet.  We made it over the pass, but weren't prepared for the 800 foot climb about four miles before Purple Lake.  Especially since we didn't get to it until 5pm (ish).  We made it, set up camp. Rocket Man caught four fish which we cooked directly in the fire.  Crispy on the outside and delicious on the inside.

After an early climb our day was pretty level.  Early on we met a deer on the trail.  She seemed a little indignent that we were on her trail.  So she walked until she was about 20 feet from me and then went around us.

We stopped at Reds Meadow and Liz bought me a burger for a second lunch or early dinner.  I bought a Magnum ice cream bar for dessert and a bag of Doritos for a before bed snack.

On the 19th we had breakfast in bed.  Got to love the cowboy camping. Our plan was to climb Island Pass and Donahue Pass.  Two passes in one day.  Pretty aggressive for "mature " women.  Both passes were challenging in their own right, but we did it.  Yay!  Donahue was steep with lots of rock steps up one side and down the other,  I think I tweaked my back going down.

We camped by the Lyle River less than nine miles from Tuolumne Meadows.  Tomorrow we get to see our families.

Day 57-623 Mile 797.5 to 877.8 - Mel

June 10-15

"Pass" is a four letter word!

Between not having cell service and no sun to charge the phones I am combining posts from several days. 

We climbed five more passes: Glen, Pinchot, Mather, Muir and Seldon. All at least 12,000 feet except for Seldon which was just under 11,000 feet. 

The climbs were tough, the descents frightening and the views and scenery magnificent.

Glen was the hardest both up and down.  As usual I made Liz lead the way down. Just enough snow to make it treacherous (maybe that's just my inexperience talking:. Trying to find the packed footprints in the snow and then climbing down rocks while trying to figure out where the trail might be.
Muir I found the most interesting. We'd spent the night at the middle fork of the King River where we had three deer wander into our camp. After following a fork of the King River through some pretty forests it was back to climbing. Lunch at lake Helen with endangered frogs and then towards the pass. Snow on this side plus water running down the middle of the trail. The water was deep enough that you couldn't walk on the trail. Soon we had rain, then hail and thunder in the distance. 

Muir hut is at the top of the pass.  It looked like we were in the Hymalayas

Rested there a bit. The weather was looking nasty so we headed down the hill in the rain, hail and thunder. This time with some lightening thrown in for good measure. We finally found a place to camp, got the tents up in the rain and then it was one of the many nights of dinner in the tent.  Rocket Man and Snake Bait were camped with us.

After Seldon Pass it was down to VVR.  Greg and Bodie made a quick trip there to deliver supplies.  It was so good to see them.  Liz and I took a zero there.  Pretty much all we did was sit all day with Rocket Man and Snake Bait, eat, talk about food and plan our camping together  the next night at Purple Lake where RM would catch some fish, I would clean them, Liz would build the fire and SB would cook.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Closing in on 1000 and taking a break - Greg

Melinda continues to make good progress on the trail. We haven't talked since I saw her on Sunday, but we have exchanged some short text messages.

After a 15 mile day, she set up camp at mile 990 on Wednesday.

We decided yesterday to meet at Sonora pass on Sunday to take a few days off for our 30th wedding anniversary. I'm heading back to work on Thursday and if she's up for continuing, Melinda will return to the trail on Wednesday.

Knowing that she had 4 days to cover only 27 miles, she decided to slow down and enjoy the scenery. This should also help her back, which has continued to be a little sore. Yesterday, she did almost 9 miles before setting up camp near lake Harriet.

She also crossed the northern boundary of Yosemite National Park and is now in the Emigrant Wilderness. She took a celebratory dip in Dorothy Lake at the border. :-) It's been hot - 87 degrees in Dardanelle yesterday which feels like a million with a pack on your back and hiking across granite in the sun.

She may take a zero or nearo (near zero) today. (Friday)

She camped last night at mile 998.46. In less than 2 miles, she will cross the 1000 mile mark, a huge milestone.

Coming up is a big climb to 10,250 feet near Leavitt Lake before continuing out to highway 108 where I will pick her up.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Going solo, conflagrations and mile 975 - Greg

By now you've read that Liz has chosen to head home and conquer the rest of the trail in sections later. I think this absolutely the right choice for her and I salute her self awareness and all she accomplished in 2.5 months on the trail. Well done! It's more than I could ever dream of doing.

Initially Melinda had also decided it was time. I think there were a couple of elements to this. They had pushed really hard through the High Sierra and she was tired. She too has lost weight. And she tweaked her back a little on Friday or Saturday morning. I'm sure a large part of it was uncertainty about life on the trail without her hiking other half.

After sleeping on it Saturday night, her outlook had changed. Her back felt better and her energy level was good. She was considering going on to at least test the waters and see if she could have any fun without Liz. (That's hard to imagine - you gotta have Liz to have fun!)

So off she went on Monday morning. She has put in 2 full days since then and covered 17 and 15 miles respectively, including Benson pass yesterday. She started today at mile 975.32. Several folks are asking how long she will go and I honestly have no idea. Again, I think for now she's just testing the waters.

I think she had hoped to connect with some other thru hikers, but it hasn't happened yet. There have been a few "ships in the night" encounters but no ongoing connections while hiking or camping. So far it's been a pretty solitary endeavor. But it's still early in her solo effort.

It seems to me that there's an understanding among thru-hikers that everyone will be moving at their own pace. There's no expectation of either waiting up or hustling along for someone else unless you started the trail together with that understanding. (or developed that understanding over an extended period of hiking together.) This is as it needs to be - otherwise hard feelings can develop if people feel rushed or hindered. If Melinda chooses to continue, I hope she will connect with someone along the way but it may take some time.

I'm going to make that more difficult by taking her off the trail for a couple of days to celebrate our 30th anniversary (Actual date - June 29). But that's another post. :-)

The so-called "Washington fire" is burning 3.2 miles from the PCT around mile 1048 near the town of Markleeville and highway 4 and has consumed about 16,500 acres as of this writing. The trail is still open, but it's very smoky in the area and it's unclear if the trail will remain open.

This is part of the calculus for when I will pick up Melinda for our anniversary. At her current pace she will probably make highway 108 on Friday, Highway 4 on Sunday (close to the fire), highway 88 on Tuesday and Highway 50 on Wednesday.

I will pick her up at one of these junctions. For now we will wait a bit before deciding which one and when. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 68 Liz 6/20/15 mile 940

Melinda decided to go alittle further and will leave tomorrow. 
I've had such an amazing 2 1/2 months. I've seen such beauty that God has given us. I've met so many interesting and fun people on the trail and I've been blessed with so much trail magic. I've learned to overcome fear and push through pain. 
2 1/2 months
940 miles
Two pairs of shoes
9 toenails lost
1 broken trekking pole
600 pictures. 
Thank you to everyone who has supported and cheered me on. 
The journey's not over, I plan to finish it in sections. Want to come?
As Forest Gump wisely said " I'm tired... I think I'll go home"
Liz Hasenberg aka Sugar High

Day 67-Liz mile 932

I didn't sleep well last night. I came to the realization that my journey is over when we get to Tuolomme Meadows today, mile 940. My body is breaking down and I don't have confidence it could carry me any further. My mental state is strong and I want to continue but I can't. Melinda and I discussed it and agreed the trip will end today. 
What a ride it's been. 

Day 66 Liz 6/18/15 mile -932

Our last Pass before heading into Yosemite to see our families is Donohue Pass and you'd really think we'd be acclimated to the elevation and ascents so the climbs would be quick, but not really. We have gotten in better shape so we don't need to stop as often but every climb is still a challenge. 
I'm not eating as much as I need to and I've lost over 15 lbs. My energy level is low and each day is a workout. As we were coming down the Pass I had to step onto a boulder and ouch myself over it. As it turned out I didn't have enough strength to do it and I ended up falling back onto a rock. It didn't hurt since my pack broke my fall but it was an eye opener for me. I hadn't fallen before, tripped over the trail and kicked rocks for sure but never a fall. I've been noticing in the last week I've gotten weaker, not a good thing, and I've been thinking about my safety. The last thing I want to do is put myself in a dangerous situation where I could get hurt in the wilderness. 
The summit of Donohue Pass is the boundary of Yosemite, it was nice to see the sign. 

Day 65-Liz 6/17/15 mile 893.0

We left VVR and took the "ferry" across the "lake" so we could pick up the trail. The ferry was just a small dingy and the lake was more like a big pond. We had to walk 1/4 mile on the lake bed floor. We made a deal with Amy and Chris, if Chris caught some fish for dinner Melinda would clean them, I would make the fire, and Amy would cook. Seemed simple enough until we noticed we had a lot of climbing to do before we set up camp. I don't think I ever walked so fast for a meal. Chris was awesome, he ended up catching 4 trout and we had a wonderful meal of trout and mashed potatoes. Delicious! The kids were going to hike to mammoth the next day for a few zero days so we knew we wouldn't see them again for a while. If you know Amy and Chris's parents let them know they're kids are terrific. 

Day 63-64 Liz 6/15-6/16 VVR

We finally made it to VVR after leaving Kennedy meadows on June 5th. We're awesome women. Most people took zeros in Lone Pine, Bishop, or independence, we probably should have but we didn't want to hitch that far. VVR was a nice place to stop and rest. Greg, Bodie, and Kenya came for a quick visit and to bring us our resupply boxes. The restaurant left a lot to be desired, you had three choices at each meal, but it was tasty. We did get to take a much needed shower and do laundry. It's amazing how good you feel when you're clean and wearing clothes that don't stink. We've been having a nice time camping with siblings Amy and Chris, aka Snake Bait and Rocketman. We've met so many nice young people it's been a pleasure to get to know them.

Day 53-63 Liz 6/6/15-6/16/15 716.7-877.2

Technology is great when it works but when they break down its hard. My solar charger died and I haven't been able to blog, and since I got rid of my journal, too much weight, I'm going to group my blogs together. Now that we're out of the desert I expected to have some rain come down but not every day for the first four days! You'd never know that California is in a drought with all the rain we had. The Sierra's are breathtaking and I can't find enough words to describe their beauty. After a tough climb or hike I'm rewarded with such natural beauty I get overwhelmed. 
The first pass we had to ascend was Forester Pass, at 13180 ft it's the highest point of the Sierras, and our lungs felt it. Going up the narrow switchbacks took awhile and when we finally made it to the summit we had to be pulled over the mountain of snow in front of us. Thank goodness Cobain was there to pull out sorry butts up. 
After a brief break to enjoy the views and have lunch we knew we had to leave and get down into the next valley. I wasn't prepared for the trail to be practically nonexistent due to snow coverage and other people switch backing and making new trails down the mountain. Melinda and I expierenced our first post-holing, rock climbing, and death defying balancing acts trying to get down. I was concentrating so much I wasn't breathing sometimes and I had to remind myself to do it. We lost the trail many times but we eventually made our way down, I was so grateful I didn't fall or get hurt. Who the heck decided it was a good idea to put a trail on such a steep mountain?!
Our next pass was Pinchot 12130 ft, and the hike led us through meadows and around numerous lakes. The youngsters still zoom past us and I swear we're not hiking slow, it only seems that way. 
The next pass was the most challenging, Glen Pass. The trail going up seemed to go on forever and get steeper as we went. The summit was narrow and we really couldn't even sit down to enjoy the view before we had to do our descent. Being a wiley veteran of a few passes my confidence was good we'd be able to get down quickly. I was sooooo wrong. There was snow everywhere on the mountain we had no idea where the trail was. The first 100 feet we post holed, that was the easy part, then we had to climb over loose rocks to more snow covered switchbacks. At one point we had to take our packs off and gently toss them about 10 ft down the mountain so we could climb down rocks like a ladder and not loose our balance. My pack tumbled onto the trail below that had melted snow rushing like a river over it. A lot of the trail now was a river and that made everything worse, just trying to find the correct way down. Climbing over loose rocks and snow was a nightmare that lasted about an hour. 
We had to do a Pass a day for the first four days of the Sierras and it was getting very old by now. Muir Pass was an exciting Pass for a few reasons.
Going up we had to walk over snow with rushing water under it, hoping we wouldn't punch through. We didn't. 
At the summit there's a stone hut, you'd swear you were in the Himalayas if you saw it, and we rested in it for about a half hour. As we headed down the weather turned really bad and we had hail and thunderstorms chasing us. When we finally stopped to set up our tents we were drenched and cold. We ended up cooking our dinners, yet again, in our vestibules. Dangerous but we've gotten quite good at it. 
The next day we had to ford through Evolution Creek, which is not a creek. The water was up to my thigh and the current was very strong and scared the heck out of me. We let three guys go first so we knew where to walk and not fall. The Sierras are testing our bravery and I'm getting darn tired of it. 
Next stop Vermillion Valley Resort.  

Monday, June 22, 2015

Tuolumne zero on Sunday- Greg

A boot with just a few miles of "breaking in" and one with 941 PCT miles. (Both are Melindas)

The ladies made Tuolumne Meadows mid-day Saturday. Bodie and I connected with them at the store there and met some of their friends including Snow White, Wall Street and Minty Fresh. All are really great folks.

The 4 of us piled into the car and we drove through the east side of Yosemite to meet up with Liz's brother Bill, who had driven up from LA and was at an RV park in Lee Vining. Bill fed us like kings - thanks so much! The Knepps cowboy camped next to Bill's trailer and after a breakfast in town the next morning we all moved on to the Tuolumne Meadows campground where Christian and Tom joined us late Sunday afternoon.

Unfortunately, Bodie and I had to head back to the Bay Area only a couple of hours after the whole group assembled.

It was a great visit.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Day 56 - Mile 770.4 to 786.13 - Mel

June 9

Didn't get as early if a start as we wanted because it was just too darned cold out. 

We started the day with a creek crossing. Not deep, but wide. We made it though without falling in. 

I had been worrying about the climb today, but it started out gently and the scenery was breathtaking. Barren hillsides with craggy mountains in the distance. Crystal clear lakes In the tundra. Marmots just off the trail. It took us a long time to get to the real climb because we had to keep stopping to enjoy it all. 
The last mile and 1000 feet was straight up the granite face. I'm sure the views were great, but my eyes never left the trail. Plus I was just huffing and puffing. There was a snow bank at the top and fortunately there were some hikers that pulled us over. 
Our next challenge was the snow on the north side. Just enough to cover the trail, so we weren't quite sure where it was. I made Liz go first and we crossed the snow where others had packed it down and climbed over a lot of rocks knowing that we weren't on the trail. It was frightening since I don't have experience hiking in snow. 

We finally found the trail and enjoyed the craggy mountain peaks and lakes. Lots of melting snow, so we had many stream crossings and water running down the trail. 

Planned on a campfire this evening, but it started raining. Dinner in the tents again. 

Day 55 - Mile 750.2 to 770.4 - Mel

June 8

It was very windy last night. Kept me awake from about 3am on. My tent stakes loosened up, but he tent didn't collapse. Yay!

More climbing today. We want to get as close to Forester Pass as we can. Forester is the highest pass on the Sierras at 13,180 feet. I'm dreading it. I don't think I have ever hiked at the high of an elevation and I'm not sure how I will do. 

Passed the Whitney Portal. Liz has already climbed Whitney and I have no desire to. Camped at Wallace Creek. 

Day 53 - Mile 716.7 to 733.32 - Mel

June 6

We're in the Sierras now!  Climbed to an elevation of 10,300 feet today. I had a very hard time. It was really hard to catch my breath. My chest was hurting some too, but I think that had to do with the weight of my pack pulling on it. 

I can't seem to get my pack adjusted properly. I think that has something to do with the fact that I have lost my hips somewhere in the last 700 miles. The bones are there, just no meat. I can't tighten the straps any more!

We stopped for lunch just over the top. Planned on a short stop since there were some nasty clouds. Got going quickly when we started to hear thunder. Fortunately the storm stayed to the south. It was nice to listen to. 

After getting water at a spring we hiked a couple more miles. The weather was looking nasty so we decided to stop for the night. As soon as Liz and I started setting up our tents it started hailing. Dinner in the tent tonight. While eating I noticed that Greg had sent me a 20 pack of tortillas. They weigh about the same as my tent. How did I miss that while I was packing them up? (The girl needs to eat - she was just complaining about losing all the meat on her bones! - Greg)

Day 54 - Mile 733.32 to 750.2 - Mel

June 7

More climbing today. We will be going up to an elevation 11,000 plus feet. Still having a hard time breathing. Slow and steady, that's my motto. 

Lots of granite this morning. It looks like the boulders have been placed together to be aesthetically pleasing. True works of art. Note the scenery is constantly changing. 

We stopped for lunch at a creek. Mainly to rinse out some clothes. It will be nice to have semi clean socks!  I was breathing easier after lunch. Maybe I am acclimating. 

Liz and I camped at Chicken Spring Lake   Minty Fresh was there too. 

Day 52 - Mile 702.8 to 716.7 - Mel

June 5

Spent the morning trying to fit everything into my back pack. Quite the challenge. I should have gotten rid of some of my food, but I've been so hungry the last several days that I kept most of the stuff that came into Kennedy Meadows with me. 

We hoped to get on the trail fairly early but I had to wait for the store to open at 9am to mail some stuff back home. So we had a second breakfast of pancakes and coffee at the store while we waited. 

We're heading into the Sierras and it is a welcome change of scenery. Trees, actual water in the Kern River and mountains ahead to climb.

Right now we are in our tents. It started to rain so we set them up and had lunch. Don't know if we will make it back on the trail today or not. 
The rain let up so we continued on. It was pleasant hiking. Passed a couple of large beautiful meadows. Such a welcome change. 

Ended up camping on the beach next to the Kern river. Minty Fresh was there too we invited him to join us in a campfire and he did everything.  Boy did we luck out. 

Day 51-6/4/15 Liz 651.4-702.8

What better way to start the day then with a wonderful breakfast made with love by trail angel Rita. 
We had a great time listening to Rita and her husband Richard tell stories of their family and history. They built their beautiful cabin in seven years themselves, and the woodwork is incredible. We just finished packing up and we're waiting for Richard to drive us to Kennedy Meadows, time for an after breakfast nap. 
We made it to Kennedy Meadows, mostly on dirt road with Richard driving like an expert. It's a whole new world here, a general store with PCT hikers everywhere unpacking their resupply boxes from home and talking and laughing about the trail. 
Every time a hiker comes off the trail we all clap and cheer him/her on. It was fun to open my box and try to remember just what the heck I put in the bear keg to eat for 9 days. I did take out some food since I had some left over from Tehachipi. I didn't take out any paydays or snickers, need the calories. Thanks Lynn and Chase for the goodies and the card. Every place has hiker boxers we can put stuff in we don't need or take if we need to. I repaired my hiking pole again since it cracked acouple of weeks ago.  If there's a animal hole or rocks to wedge a pole mine found it every time. The weather is much cooler and we're excited to leave tomorrow to make it to vermillion valley ranch in 8-9 days. We put up our tents already since we need the practice for rain that will eventually come, but it's still taking us to long.