Monday, June 22, 2015

Tuolumne zero on Sunday- Greg

A boot with just a few miles of "breaking in" and one with 941 PCT miles. (Both are Melindas)

The ladies made Tuolumne Meadows mid-day Saturday. Bodie and I connected with them at the store there and met some of their friends including Snow White, Wall Street and Minty Fresh. All are really great folks.

The 4 of us piled into the car and we drove through the east side of Yosemite to meet up with Liz's brother Bill, who had driven up from LA and was at an RV park in Lee Vining. Bill fed us like kings - thanks so much! The Knepps cowboy camped next to Bill's trailer and after a breakfast in town the next morning we all moved on to the Tuolumne Meadows campground where Christian and Tom joined us late Sunday afternoon.

Unfortunately, Bodie and I had to head back to the Bay Area only a couple of hours after the whole group assembled.

It was a great visit.


  1. I continue to be amazed at the mile count ... WOW. I'm so glad Bill was able to show his chef(ing) prowess. He'll go a long way, and a really long way. to serve. I'm sure Tom and Christian were bowled over by both of you. Take good care. much love mom/joanna

  2. Yay!! I am so happy for the rendezvous! I was was wondering? We drove through Lee Vining on Saturday!

  3. You two are doing great! I enjoy following your adventure. So glad you saw Snow White and Wall Street. I am Wall Street's mom!

    1. Hi Anne,

      If you can send your regular email address to I will send you a picture of Liz, Melinda, Wall Street and Snow White.

      Greg (Melinda's husband)
