Even with the wind blowing nothing stops us from making hot coffee in the morning and watching the sun rise while huddled in our sleeping bags. We had a wonderful heart pumping hike up switchbacks over 500 ft in less than a mile to begin our day. But at least the weather was cool and we were in the shade. We're seeing less and less people on trail now, maybe they're dropping out or were smart and are skipping this hellish section. The scenery was beautifully stark and we were on high alert for rattlers. We didn't incounter a rattler but we did step over a 12 inch skinny green snake with a red stripe by its head. I was just happy it wasn't a rattler, but I would like to know what type of snake it was. We ended the day dragging ourselves into Walker Pass Campground and right into the loving food of Ann and Carlos. They had hot dogs, chips, watermelon, pasta salad, oranges, and soda and beer. Truly Angels from heaven. Again this trip is about meeting people and sharing stories and not just the hike. Another trail angel, Rita, came by asking if any one wanted to stay at her house and take a hot shower and do wash. Being the smart people we are we said yes please take us home with you.
Melinda and I have been talking about the Mojave and maybe we should have skipped it and in the end Rita's husband will take us tomorrow to Kennedy Meadows and we'll skip the last 50 miles.
Do I have any regrets? No, because I'm not out here to hurt myself and we spent more than enough time in the Mojave. Tomorrow Rita's making blueberry pancakes and coffee, yummy. I've got clean clothes hanging on the clothes line outside that don't smell too bad anymore. We didn't plan on ending our day like this but sometimes God works in mysterious ways, I'm not complaining
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