Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day 29-Liz 266-285.57

I can't believe I forgot to mention this yesterday, Maureen our trail angel mentioned she was from north San Diego  and I asked her what town since I also lived in north San Diego. She was from Encinitas and I lived in Rancho Santa Fe for a few years. Maureen's next response blew me away. Her husband grew up in Rancho also and is only two years older than me, which means we went to the same elementary school at the same time. I can't wait to get back home and look at my old yearbooks and see if I remember him. It truly is a small world. 
As for today's hike, the first mile or two was up but after that we gently hiked the mountain ranges around Big Bear. The mountains still bear the scars of two forest fires in the last five years. We also hiked across a few rock slides, which can be dangerous if you're not watching your step. Considering we got a late start due to carpooling, we got a lot of miles in and practiced setting up our tents. 
Each day we learn or do something new, what more could we ask for. I'm humbled  to be on this adventure. 
Big rock slide. 
Like hikers, trail angels get nicknames and we're proud to bestow on two very important angels the name of Queen Kena and King Paella. They drove 2 hours to bring us lunch on the trail, which every hiker was madly jealous of, then they housed us, feed us, and entertained us while I was laid up with feet problems. We're still working on a nick name for our other angel, stay tuned. 

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