Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 15-Liz Ziggy and the bear

I woke up today and my feet are swollen, can't bend my toes, and I can nearly walk. I'm soaking them in Epsom salt now then I'll do some minor blister surgery and repair. I should be able to hit the trail later. Some hikers are waiting til late this afternoon to leave since the temp will be in the low 100's, ugh! Any miles today will be good. 


  1. Every morning I read your posts and sit here at my desk.... admiring you both!
    I was in Lancaster/Rosamond on Saturday, and was in that same weather that snowed on you. But I only got rain. I knew you were out there somewhere, and now glad to know you were in Idlywild doing laundry. GO LADIES!!!!

  2. so glad you got to see billy and kena ... they'll go a long way to deliver Pinks. They both looked as tho they had been on the trail for 200+ ... maybe just reflecting in the glory of you both. Jane/Gillian and I will connect with you somewhere, absolutely. xxxooo Mom
